In the past week two separate water-villa resorts have been tapped for prestigious honors within the hotel industry. Both are in Asia and both already had a great reputation so these recognitions are really no surprise, but still it should give potential guests just that much more confidence in both of them.
I am looking for Off seasons rates for Paradise Island Resort & Spa inclusive of taxes and transfers to resort
The best rates are typically found on They all charge separately for transfers from the airport. You can get an offline travel agent to bundle them into one price if that helps. -Roger
I am looking for water villas with pool and glass flooring for 1000 dollars inclusive of taxes and transfers to resort
Are you looking for a water villa for just one night for US$1,000? If so, there are a few with private pools that are around that price, including transfers. Check out #6 on this list of water villa resorts with private pools. -Roger