Bora Bora weather by month

Because of the location, guests will find that both daytime and evening temperatures in Bora Bora, as well as throughout the rest of French Polynesia, tend to be generally stable when looking month to month. Also, it’s important to note that because Bora Bora is even closer to the equator compared to nearby islands, it tends to be more consistent than Tahiti and Moorea, which are both about 140 miles (230 kilometers) to the southwest.

Bora Bora weather by month
Tahiti and Moorea weather by month

Luckily, for those planning a trip, you’ll find that daytime and evening temperatures in Tahiti, as well as throughout the entirety of French Polynesia, are incredibly stable from month to month. You’ll see on the temperature chart below that each day of the year is almost identical to the other days. Moorea Island is only 9 miles (17 km) away, so the climate and weather are basically identical, and there are better Moorea overwater bungalow resorts to consider as well.

Tahiti and Moorea weather by month
Best time to visit the Maldives: Here’s what you need to know

are unsure of when the best time to visit the Maldives is, I have good news for you. It’s a slightly complicated topic discussed in detail below, but the quick answer is that almost any time you can make it, the Maldives will be waiting for you with nearly-perfect warm and sunny weather.

Its location starting around the equator and stretching up for about 1,000 kilometers puts it in the sweet spot for warm weather literally every day of the year.

Best time to visit the Maldives: Here’s what you need to know